Mali: Amader to tender for rural solar PV project

Issue 344 - 21 Apr 2017 | 1 minute read

Agence Malienne pour le Développement de l’Energie Domestique et l’Electrification Rurale (Amader) is to tender for the construction of two solar photovoltaic (PV) projects totalling 2.3MWp and an associated distribution network in the south-central region of Ségou, according to a general procurement notice published on 3 April.The project, which is being developed by Amader in partnership with Morocco’s Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable, is being financed by loans totalling $4m from the Islamic Development Bank and $11m from its poverty alleviation arm, the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development, according to the notice.

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