Rusumo Falls MoU signed

Issue 263 - 13 Oct 2013 | 2 minute read

Ministers from Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 20 September, paving the way for implementation of the 80MW Rusumo Falls hydroelectric project on the Kagera River. Tanzania energy and minerals minister Sospeter Muhongo, Rwandan infrastructure minister Silas Lwakabamba and Burundi’s energy and mines minister, Côme Manirakiza, signed the agreement in the Tanzanian town of Bukoba, on Lake Victoria. The dam and the power station will be located at the confluence of the Nyabarongo River, which comes from Rwanda, and the Ruvubu River, which comes from Burundi. Downstream of the Rusumo Falls, the two form the Kagera River, which marks the border between Rwanda and Tanzania.

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