Niger: Procurement to begin soon for grid expansion

Issue 314 - 17 Dec 2015 | 1 minute read

Société Nigérienne d’Electricité (Nigelec) has issued a general procurement notice for a project to expand electricity to seven urban centres. The project comprises the expansion of the grid, which is expected to cost $52.6m, and capacity building at Nigelec and the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, expected to cost $8.72m. Finance is being provided by the World Bank Group’s International Development Agency. Construction works will include extending and reinforcing the grid in Niamey, Dosso, Tillabéry, Maradi, Tahoua, Agadex and Zinder; connecting 60,000 households to the grid; management and supervision of building work, supply of materials and meters; and management of connections.

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