Morocco: Fes landfill starts generating power

Issue 304 - 10 Jul 2015 | 1 minute read

The city of Fes has started generating over 1MW of electricity from a biogas plant at an innovative landfill facility developed by the US’ Edgeboro International and local partners. The group has a 20-year waste disposal contract and has negotiated contracts to supply power to local utility Régie Autonome Intercommunale de Distribution d’Eau et d’Electricité de la Wilaya de Fès (Radeef). The US/local grouping began their co-operation with the City of Fes – seen in Morocco as a model for African urban waste management – in 2001. With environmental engineers Sadat Associates, Edgeboro drew up a comprehensive waste management plan for the historic city, which was supported by the US Trade and Development Agency.

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