Gabon: SIAT Gabon to sell power to grid

Issue 286 - 11 Oct 2014 | 1 minute read

Agro-industry firm SIAT Gabon signed a power purchase agreement with state utility Société d’Energie et d’Eau du Gabon (Seeg) on 7 August to sell its surplus power to the grid. SIAT Gabon produces electricity from palm oil production residues. Local media reports said the supply from SIAT would meet nearly 20% of demand from the city of Lambaréné in the Moyen Ogooué region, where SIAT has a large palm oil plantation. “This agreement testifies to Seeg’s desire to provide new sources of clean energy in collaboration with companies committed to the sustainable industrial development of Gabon,” Seeg director-general Jean-Paul Camus said at the signing ceremony.

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