Cameroon takes significant steps forward despite sclerotic bureaucracy

In depth
Issue 297 - 27 Mar 2015 - By Jon Marks | 11 minute read

A well-managed, environmentally friendly rubbish dump at Nkolfoulou, just outside Yaoundé, encapsulates the huge potential and daily frustrations of project development in Cameroon. Operator Hysacam, created in Douala in 1969, collects waste – 80% of it organic – from the capital to bury in its landfill site. Polluting methane would normally build up, but Hysacam has mobilised Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) credits and other support to install an efficient biogas collection system. So far so good, say Hysacam’s no-nonsense local management, as waste disposal trucks line up patiently to be weighed and discharge.

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