Egypt: Midor refinery expansion

Issue 298 - 17 Apr 2015 | 1 minute read

The Middle East Oil refinery (Midor) has signed two agreements with Honeywell subsidiary UOP aimed at expanding the refinery with an investment of $1.4bn. Petroleum minister Sherif Ismail said the expansion of the refinery aimed to increase production capacity to 160,000 b/d from 100,000 at present, as part of the ministry’s plan to increase local fuel production. Midor chief executive Mohamed Abdel Aziz said that, once the expansion was complete, the refinery would be able to produce up to 245,000 tonnes of butane gas, 1.3m tonnes of gasoline, 3.2m tonnes of diesel oil, 570,000 tonnes of coal and 135,000 tonnes of sulphur.

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